stakeholder consultation

Engaging with key stakeholders forms a key part of clinical service delivery planning and the design process for the hospital buildings.

Extensive stakeholder engagement was undertaken during the planning phases of the project, inviting feedback on the Tweed Valley Hospital site, infrastructure design and delivery, and broader planning considerations.  

Working groups with representatives from key stakeholder groups including state and local government agencies have been established and will continue throughout the planning and design of the Tweed Valley Hospital.

Clinicians and staff consultation

The Tweed Hospital clinicians and operational staff have participated in the planning for the new hospital, ensuring the Tweed Valley Hospital is a facility that is purpose-built to meet the healthcare needs of the local community and staff requirements.

Over 400 staff members participated in Project User Groups (PUGs) , representing each service that is currently provided through The Tweed Hospital and Community Health Service, from Intensive Care and Emergency Department through to Cardiac Services, Transport and eHealth Services.

The 500+ sessions for PUGs included clinicians, operational staff and members of the community.

The aim of each PUG was to provide a forum for the conversations that need to occur between the range of clinical and non-clinical services and the project design team. The PUGs operate through a number of key phases in the planning and design process to participate in the development, review and endorsement of:
  • Models of care/service delivery
  • Functional design brief
  • Schematic Design
  • Detailed Design.

All clinicians and operational staff were welcome to participate in the planning of the Tweed Valley Hospital and  encouraged to contact their PUG chair to provide input.