Health professionals, consumers, and the Tweed-Byron community all have an important role in shaping the planning and design of the new state-of-the-art Tweed Valley Hospital. The Community Reference Panel (the Panel) for the Tweed Valley Hospital project was established in August 2018 and provides hospital users and the broader community the opportunity to shape the project. The original invitation for membership attracted a great response, with over 60 applications. The Panel, along with Project User Groups (made up of Northern NSW Local Health District clinicians and operational staff) and the Tweed Shire Council Reference Group, are central pillars in the ongoing consultation program. Panel members have provided valuable input throughout the project by representing the views of patients, carers and the local community. The Panel is drawn on to support a range of workshops, focus groups and individual contributions to both the clinical services and physical design of the new hospital and broader health and education campus. The Tweed Valley Hospital is one of the largest ever capital investment in health infrastructure in the Tweed-Byron region. The Panel has been an important part in the process in delivering a life-changing healthcare solution that best meets the needs of the local community.