the project team

The project is being delivered by an Integrated Project Team comprising Health Infrastructure and Northern NSW Local Health District staff, subject matter expert consultants, clinicians, operational staff and community members.

The Integrated Project Team's vision is that together, we're delivering a life-changing healthcare solution for the Tweed Valley.

The Integrated Project Team extends to all of the groups working on the project, from the full-time project management team to the Project User Groups, and community members participating on the various planning groups.

Our construction partners

Lendlease was appointed on 20 December 2018 to provide construction advice for the next stage of planning and design, and undertake early works for the Tweed Valley Hospital.

As part of the tender process, Lendlease was required to respond to a comprehensive range of criteria, which included design innovation, maximising local industry participation and up-skilling of the local workforce, Aboriginal participation, and apprenticeship training targets.

Working as part of the Tweed Valley Hospital Integrated Project Team, Lendlease will help to ensure the local community benefits from this significant investment in employment opportunities, flow-on economic benefits, and the provision of contemporary healthcare facilities and services for the Tweed-Byron region.