The Tweed Valley Hospital project will be assessed under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, consistent with other State Significant Development (SSD) projects. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Stage 1 SSD planning application for the new hospital has been lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment. The EIS is the first of two planning submissions for the Tweed Valley Hospital, and seeks approval for the hospital concept and consent to commence early and enabling works on the site.
The Health Administration Corporation (HAC) is acquiring land at 771 Cudgen Road, opposite Kingscliff TAFE for the new Tweed Valley Hospital. Once this land is acquired, HAC, through it's Health Infrastructure division, will undertake a number of immediate tasks to secure the site and ensure appropriate environmental control measures are in place. These works will provide an immediate benefit to the environmental area that is being preserved along the northern boundary of the Project Site and completion is targeted prior to the wet season. The term used for these activities is Preliminary Works.
An EIS is used to assess any potential environmental impacts of a major project to determine what mitigation measures should be implemented and inform the approval decision. The EIS is publicly exhibited for comment to ensure that feedback from the community, Tweed Shire Council and other government agencies is considered in the assessment process.